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My 5 Stage theory of civilization and its relevance to the past theories of human development


The 5 Stage Theory of Civilization two volumes have been an ambitious project toward which I have formulated the idea since early 2000. To collect more evidence of cultural data for my theory of Socio-cultural development, I have traveled to the Netherlands to meet Dr. Ger Jan Hofstede to have a very meaningful and encouraging dialogue about my work that can explain the data he and his father, Geert Hofstede (2010) had worked on for decades to produce their collaborated book, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Toward the end of my project in 2017, I discovered Integral Psychology and other books by Ken Wilber in a local bookstore to be fascinated by the magnitude of his work and the extent of knowledge compiled to formulate his theory. Then through his work, I was introduced to a similar idea, Spiral Dynamics, by Clare Graves, who applied it to the business management model.

I have attempted to integrate various psychoanalytic and psychological theories to find the universal emotional and socio-cultural development theory. This book may fill the gap in the theories of human development introduced by Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and Clare Graves’s Spiral Dynamics that have been criticized for lacking mainstream academic support due to the absence of academic rigor for the complexity of the model, narrow confinement in spiritual or business orientation. Realizing its astonishing similarity to Beck and Cowan’s (1996) spiral color spectrum of management leadership, I can consider Stage 1 of my model to match with the people of beige, purple, red, and blue, Stage 2 with orange, Stage 3 with green, Stage 4 with yellow and Stage 5 with Turquoise in Beck and Cowan’s system.

Kim, R. (2021a). The Five Stages of Civilization: From an Integrated Psychological and Psychoanalytic Perspective, Vol. 1 Personality Development. Living Free Publishing Co.

Kim, R. (2021b). The Five Stages of Civilization: From an Integrated Psychological and Psychoanalytic Perspective, Vol. 1l. Socio-cultural Development. Living Free Publishing Co.